Saturday, June 27, 2015

Maguindanao | The Blue Lagoon and Pink Mosque

For the third time I solo backpacked Mindanao. This time I visited the provinces of Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat and Davao Occidental. Past noon when I arrived at Cotabato airport located in Awang Datu Odin Sinsuat  Maguindanao. I decided to just walk from the airport terminal to the highway and hail a jeepney headed to the downtown Cotabato then have my late lunch in one of the eatery there. 

After that I scout for budget accommodation then I found Padama Pension house few blocks from the Cotabato City Mega Market. I left my backpack then boarded a jeepney to the Bangsamoro People’s Complex. I wasn’t able to enter the premises because I’m wearing short and slipper which they implement strict dress code.  I instead boarded a jeepney back to the city and stroll in the old Cotabato City Hall and look some goodies in the Mega Market. I bought pastil, pineapple and Pikit coffee.

I head back to my guesthouse took a rest and prepare myself for my trip in Maguindanao the following day.

On my second day I leave Cotabato City early and boarded a jeepney to Margues in Datu Odin Sinsuat. I’m so excited to see the Blue Lagoon. Together with locals it took less than an hour to reach barangay Margues.  I get off near the elementary school then walk towards the lagoon. This now a big drawn to the locals and people of Cotabato were they spend their weekends swimming and enjoying that natural wonders.  I was so amazed to see it for myself.  Locals swam and some washes their clothes there.  I took some photos then leave that place. There’s another lagoon nearby but I opted to skip it and take a jeepney bound to Datu Saudi Ampatuan. 

The Masjid Dimaukom (Pink Mosque) construction was financed by Mayor Samsodin Dimaukom. The mosque was painted pink to symbolize peace and love and was built by Christian workmen to symbolize unity and inter-faith brotherhood.

In that town most structures were painted with pink.  From there I took a jeepney to the nearby province of Sultan Kudarat.

This is part of the 3rd leg of my solo backpacking in Mindanao.

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