Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Davao Del Sur | Philippines Eagle Center In Davao City

After spending the whole day basking on the shores of Malita I headed to Davao City the next day. One day is not enough to explore the largest city in the country and one of the safest in the world.

Upon checking the Google map and some online research the PEC caught my attention. Seeing the endangered monkey eating Eagle is on top of my list.

From Malita I boarded a bus bound to Davao City then get off at the junction of Crossing Ulas leading to the PEC. From there I took a jeepney to Calinan then habal habal to the eagle center.
After paying the 100 pesos fee I started exploring the vast nature reserve. There is a lot of endangered flora and fauna to see. It's nostalgic to see the monkey eating eagle. The PEC is responsible in protecting caring of the endangered species.

After spending an hour I headed to the downtown. I walked the streets of Davao city. I spend the night at Morvie's Suite along San Pedro street.

This is part of the 3rd leg of my solo backpacking in Mindanao.

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