Monday, May 4, 2015

Situbo Falls ( Tampilisan Zamboanga del Norte )

The towering Situbo Falls is one of the many still unspoiled waterfalls in the Philippines, resplendent, mighty, and powerful as it thunders down to a refreshing cool pool, waiting for you to be discovered.

How to get there:

1. Budget airlines have daily flights from Manila to Dipolog. From Dipolog City hop a bus bound to Ipil in Zambonga Sibugay (4 hours). Alight at the town of Tampilisan then charter a habal-habal to Situbo Falls(P200 roundtrip). 

2. Fly from Manila to Zamboanga City. From Zamboanga City hop a bus bound to Pagadian City. Alight at Ipil in Zamboanga Sibugay then take a jeepney ride to Tampilsan then charter a habal-habal to Situbo Falls.

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